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Carl Levin Award for Effective Oversight
One of our core values is to promote the development of effective oversight by legislative bodies. The Carl Levin Award for Effective Oversight is presented on an annual basis to one or more individuals who have played a central role in an oversight investigation conducted on a bipartisan basis with a dedication to fact-finding.

Award Overview
The award is established in honor of the work of Senator Carl Levin to promote bipartisan, fact-based oversight and to recognize those legislators who conduct it. Politically or ideologically driven oversight damages public confidence in government, diminishes legislative comity, distorts public policy and wastes taxpayer dollars. When conducted well, on a bipartisan basis, with a commitment to finding the facts and uncovering the truth, oversight fulfills the checks and balances envisioned by our Constitution, fosters bipartisan legislative relationships, builds public trust in legislatures, and improves public policy and government programs.
The Levin Center considers candidates for the Carl Levin Award on an ongoing basis. Such individuals should embody the Center’s values of bipartisanship, fact-finding, and integrity. We welcome throughout the year nominations of individuals who meet the awards criteria. Please use the form, below, to submit a nomination. Recipients of the award are chosen by the Carl Levin Award Selection Committee.
Criteria for Selection
To be considered for the Carl Levin Award for Effective Oversight, a candidate must meet the following criteria:
- The candidate must be or have been a member of a legislative body at the national, state, tribal or local level, and must have played a central role in the conduct of an oversight investigation by such legislative body.
- The oversight investigation must have been conducted on a bipartisan basis, and the candidate must have played a significant role in ensuring the bipartisan nature of the investigation.
- The oversight investigation must have been focused on obtaining the facts underlying the subject of the investigation, and the candidate must have demonstrated an exceptional commitment to that effort.
- The candidate must have provided recognized and significant leadership in the conduct and achievement of the investigation.
- The candidate must have exhibited a high degree of integrity and a commitment to legislative comity and civility
Past Recipients of the Award
U.S. Senators Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Ron Wyden (D-OR), Todd Young (R-IN), and Ben Cardin (D-MD)

U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Chair Richard Burr (R-NC) and Vice Chair Mark Warner (D-VA)

Making a Nomination
Please fill the form below to make a nomination for our Carl Levin Award for Effective Oversight. Nominations are reviewed yearly in September and award winners are announced upon selection.